1. Wireless Communication Library v6.12.0.0
2. 30.06.2013
3. [more=WhatsNew (Что нового)]VCL Edition: Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 support has been added;
C++ Edition: Microsoft Visual C++ (Microsoft Visual Studio) 2013 Preview support has been added;
.NET Edition: .NET Framework 4.5.1 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Preview support has been added;
Update Rules and Renewal Prices have been changed;
Code optimization and refactoring for better perfomance.[/more]
4. _http://www.btframework.com/
1. Wireless Communication Library v6.12.0.0
2. 30.06.2013
3. [more=WhatsNew (Что нового)]VCL Edition: Embarcadero RAD Studio XE4 support has been added;
C++ Edition: Microsoft Visual C++ (Microsoft Visual Studio) 2013 Preview support has been added;
.NET Edition: .NET Framework 4.5.1 and Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 Preview support has been added;
Update Rules and Renewal Prices have been changed;
Code optimization and refactoring for better perfomance.[/more]
4. _http://www.btframework.com/